Wells' Providence
There are procedures for introducing a new Livestock Guardian pup to the goat farm and into the goat herd. We do not believe in the "hands off" theory
that is the basis for many breeders in North America. I sought out an experienced LGD owner, Paula Lane, as a mentor to learn the correct way to raise Livestock Guardian Dogs and the very first link below details those methods. I have also included her Dog Discipline page below...it is a MUST read!
If you talk to 10 different LGD owners you'll hear 10 different ways to raise a LGD. My advice, read as much as you can and select what works best for your farm. If you find yourself unsuccessful, try again. As Paula would say, "There are very few failed livestock guardian dogs but many failed livestock guardian dog owners". I hope, by providing all of these links, your success will equate to one less dog being surrendered to a shelter because "it didn't work out".
If you have purchased your LGD from a reputable breeder they will provide you assistance for the life of your dog. Sadly, many people do not purchase from a reputable breeder and reach out to us because their "purebred from craigslist" turns out to be not a purebred or a genetic train-wreck. There are so many great resources for training your Pyr puppy to guard sheep, goats and poultry that I will not attempt to retype it all here but rather provide you with the links to these great sites. For training tips for a Family Guardian, please see the links at the bottom of our "About The Breed" page!
by Brenda Negri
Understanding and Living With Livestock Guardian Dogs
This book is invaluable for Pyr owners whether they are for Livestock Guardian Dogs or Family Guardians!
On Talking Terms With Dogs: Calming Signals by Turid Rugaas
There are signals that dogs give each other -and humans- to communicate. Knowing this information is vital in raising LGDs!
Livestock Protection Dogs: Selection, Care and Training (Paperback)
To our knowledge, this is the only educational video about Livestock Guardian Dogs available today.
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